
a collage of students sitting around the campfire and engaging in group games

Retreat Programs

University Ministry wants to support students of any and all faith backgrounds in their desire to grow with God and with their faith community. Our retreat programs offer a wonderful space for personal faith exploration and growth as well as the opportunity to connect with other students and create lasting friendships and bonds. 

New Beginnings Retreat

September 2024

Register Here for the New Beginnings Retreat!

Who: First-Year Students and Transfer Students
When: Sunday, Sept. 22
Where: Kensington MetroPark

What is it?

The New Beginnings Retreat is an opportunity to get off campus, make new connections, be creative, and connect with nature. We will do this through reflection, team-building, and exploring. There will be opportunities to reflect with fellow classmates and time for personal reflection. 

Questions? Contact: or 313-992-1925

Flyer with retreat info and sunrise background

Busy Persons Retreat

BPR Flyer with Logo

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    Video: What is the Busy Persons Retreat?



    What is a retreat?

    Taking time for yourself-- to rest, to reflect, to pray, to be renewed, to think, for self-care. Often a retreat is held at a different location than you normally occupy, like a retreat house, or a cabin, or quiet place away from distractions. The Busy Persons Retreat, because it's designed for people like you who may not be able to physically get away from your life/work for a few days, is held wherever you are. At your desk, in your car, in your dorm room, in your office, outside, etc.

    How much time will this take?

    The Busy Persons Retreat is four weeks long, and begins the week of Mar. 11 and finishes the week of Apr. 5. Participants are expected to take some time for prayer and reflection several days per week (every day if it's possible, but we encourage you to do it at least 3 days each week.) You will have a spiritual guide/director assigned to you that you will be expected to meet with once per week during the four weeks. This person will help to guide you personally on the retreat. Their primary goal is to get to know you, and to help you in your spiritual walk, deepening your relationship with God.

    What if I've never prayed, or spent much time thinking about God/religion?

    The retreat will meet you wherever you are in your spiritual journey. If you didn't grow up practicing any religion, no problem. If you have disassociated yourself with a religion, but still consider yourself spiritual-- no problem. If you are a devout Catholic, or Muslim, or Jew, and want to go deeper-- no problem. If you have some experience with retreats but not a lot-- no problem. If you are unsure if you believe in God, but are curious as to what this retreat has to offer-- no problem. If you attend church every week and want to ask some questions to a trusted spiritual guide-- no problem. In other words- everyone is welcome, no matter where you are in your journey.

    How can I get more info if have more questions, or if I want to talk to someone more before I sign up?

    Drop by the ministry office, ground level of the Student Union or email a minister:, or call our office (313) 993-1925. We are happy to talk to you more about the Busy Persons Retreat and answer any questions you might have about it.

    Is there a cost for the Busy Persons Retreat?

    No, there is no cost for participants.

    I signed up-- now what?

    You will be contacted by University Ministry with more information, as the retreat draws closer. You will also be assigned a spiritual director/guide and will be given their contact info so you can set up your one-hour sessions. 



    Registration for BPR Fall 2024 is now open! Register Here

The Study Retreat

Register Here for the Study Retreat!

Who: All Students
When: Sunday Dec. 8
Where: Maxis Spirituality Center, Riverview, MI

What is it?

University Ministry is hosting a retreat that allows you to bring your school work with you! This retreat is a chance to get off-campus, study in a quiet and relaxing space, and have built in optional study breaks that provide self-care and spiritual care into your life! We will have time to share home cooked meals together and be able to enter into finals prepared and equipped with the tools to take care of our whole persons as our mission calls us to through "cura personalis" (the care for the whole person, body mind, and soul) 
There is limited space for this retreat in order to create an ideal study environment for participants.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Anna Lawler (University Ministry for Faith Formation); 313-993-1925
Study Retreat Flyer