Accreditation & Academic Compliance

The purpose of academic compliance is to ensure that quality standards are met and maintained by institutions providing education and granting degrees. To ensure compliance universities create governing bodies and standards as well as obtain external accreditation. Accreditation is a voluntary, peer review process. It serves four main purposes: (1) assure quality to the public, (2) ease student transfer between institutions by signaling quality, (3) provide institutions with access to federal financial aid, and (4) certify a graduate’s credentials to employers. An “accredited” university meets the standards for accreditation established by an accrediting agency. The standards ensure that an institution has appropriate and clear goals, sufficient resources to achieve them, is fulfilling its objectives, and will continue to do so. The process provides colleges and universities with an opportunity for reflection, honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses, along with a chance to develop strategies for continued improvement.

University of Detroit Mercy and many of its individual programs participate regularly in rigorous internal and external review processes for the purpose of maintaining accreditation. Outcomes from those standards are then provided to the institution’s students through transparency requirements.  

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