Welcome to UDM Campus Connection!

October 12, 2004

Thank you to the Inauguration Week volunteers!
Many thanks to the numerous faculty, staff, student and alumni volunteers who helped to make the Presidential Inauguration Week events so successful. It was truly a team effort, which reflected the essence of the UDM mission. A listing of the names of event volunteers is on the Presidential Inauguration web site.

Also, watch for video footage of the Celebrate Spirit!: Installation and Liturgy to be posted on the Inauguration web site by the end of the week.

Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month
The James Carney Latin American Solidarity Archive will honor "Hispanic Heritage Month" with a viewing of the documentary film, "Hidden in Plain Sight." The movie screening will take place on Wednesday, October 13, at 6: 45 p.m. in Room 113 of the Ford Life Sciences Building on the McNichols Campus. An 8 p.m. talk by Andres Thomas Conteris, the film's co-producer, will follow the viewing. At 8:30 p.m., Fr. Joe Mulligan, S.J., will speak of his experience, "My Participation in Civil Disobedience at the SOA and My 90-day Sentence." More…

Annual Mass for Commerce
The 11th Annual Mass for Commerce will celebrate the growth of Detroit’s business, professional and spiritual community on Wednesday, October 20, at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 9844 Woodward Avenue. The event will begin with 8 a.m. Mass, followed by breakfast at the Cathedral. The suggested donation is $10. For more information, call 313-883-8764 or visit www.aodonline.org.

McNichols Library Exhibit
“The Inside Outside Show," curated by Maurice Greenia, Jr., library assistant for the McNichols Campus, is on exhibit through November at the McNichols Campus Library. The exhibit features several artists and is open to the public, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; and Saturday, 9-5 p.m.

UDM recognized for its great programs!
The National Performance Board recently ranked the Dental Hygiene Program as one of the “Top 25 Premier Programs in the Nation” by achieving a 100 percent pass rate on the first try of the standard evaluation. More…

The Physician Assistant Program was awarded full accreditation status with no recommendations at the most recent meeting of the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant. The next scheduled review for the program will be in 2011.

Fall marketing initiative includes television commercial
UDM’s fall marketing initiative is under way! In addition to several billboard locations, radio spots and print advertisements, the promotional campaign will include a television commercial highlighting the University and its students! Visit the Marketing and Public Affairs web site for specific details on the promotional campaign.

President’s Dining Room open for lunch
President Stockhausen recently opened the President’s Dining Room in the Student Center on the McNichols Campus to UDM faculty and staff Monday-Friday from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The PDR’s quiet atmosphere makes it a great place to discuss scholarly activities with friends and colleagues over lunch.

Money Matters series at Marygrove College
On Saturday, October 16, from 9 a.m.-12 noon, Marygrove College is sponsoring “Money Matters for Adults.” Led by Gail Perry-Mason, author of Girl, Make Your Money Grow, and Duane T. Garth, managing principal at Garth Financial Group, Inc., the program will address the basics of stocks, bonds, mortgage financing, IRAs and retirement savings. The cost is $5, which includes a continental breakfast and an entry to win a $500 U.S. Savings Bond.

Marygrove is also offering a “Money Matters for Youth” series, which will address the basics of economics, banking, budgeting, credit cards, and stocks and bonds. Two three-week sections are currently scheduled to begin on October 16 and November 6. A five-week course, “Money Matters for Youth II,” is also scheduled to begin on November 6. The price for each section is $62. To RSVP for “Money Matters for Adults” and to register for “Money Matters for Youth I and II,” please call Marygrove’s Continuing Education department at 313-927-1230.

Campus Connection is available online at www.udmercy.edu/campus_connection. To submit news and information for publication in a future issue of Campus Connection, please visit www.udmercy.edu/campus_connection/forms/submit.jsp.

More University news and event information is available online at www.udmercy.edu/news_events/.