Welcome to UDM Campus Connection!

November 30, 2004

Town Hall Meeting
University of Detroit Mercy President Gerard L. Stockhausen invites you to attend the second in a series of Town Hall Meetings on Thursday, December 2, at 12:45 p.m. in the Fountain Lounge in the Student Center on the McNichols Campus.

Please support the Ethics Bowl, ASB and/or our Intramural State Champs!
You are what makes our University the strong educational institution it is today. We want to thank you for all of your support, and remind you that all gifts - large and small - make a difference. You can make a gift through payroll deduction, which makes giving even easier. Choose to donate to the Fund for UDM, which gives us the greatest flexibility in utilizing your gift, or designate the funds you donate to any cause at UDM: a specific college or school, our intramural championship flag football team, service programs, scholarships, Alternative Spring Break (ASB) or the Ethics Bowl, just to name a few. If you've given in the past, please consider increasing your donation through payroll deduction this year to make an even greater impact. Imagine cutting-edge technology, campus revitalization, new buildings and facilities and invigorated student life. Please visit our giving web site or call Sam McCrimmon, Director of Annual Giving, at 993-1250. We welcome the opportunity to speak to you confidentially about your continued support of the University!

Inaugural Employee Holiday Colleague Recognition Celebration
UDM employees are invited to attend the inaugural UDM Holiday Colleague Recognition Celebration on Friday, December 17, from 3-5 p.m. in the Fountain Lounge in the Student Center on the McNichols Campus. This event combines two University events – the Employees Holiday Party, traditionally held this time each year, and the annual Colleague Recognition Celebration, traditionally held in the fall.
The Celebration will honor 91 dedicated UDM employees for their years of service, in increments of five years, beginning with ten years of service.

Thumbs Up!
Marie-Lise Shams, associate librarian for the School of Dentistry Library, presented the paper, “The Library’s Role in a Collaborative Nursing Program among Remote Academic Institutions,” at the Medical Library Association’s Midwest Chapter’s Annual Meeting in Springfield, Ill.

Mary Lou Caspers, professor of Chemistry, was awarded the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN) Educator of the Year 2004. This award is in recognition of significant efforts in support of the mission of FUN: to promote neuroscience education and research at the undergraduate level. The award was presented at the national meeting on Friday, October 25, in San Diego, Calif.

Campus Connection is available online at www.udmercy.edu/campus_connection. To submit news and information for publication in a future issue of Campus Connection, please visit www.udmercy.edu/campus_connection/forms/submit.jsp.

More University news and event information is available online at www.udmercy.edu/news_events/.