Graduate Catalog 2008-2009
UDM Academic PoliciesCourse DescriptionsList of All ProgramsFaculty

CSC 502 Experimental Design in Computer Science
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

MTH 427

Experimental Computer Science Models, Scientific Methods Applied to Computing, Workload Characterization, Forecasting of Performance and Quality Metrics of Systems, Uses of Analytic and Simulation Models, Design of Experiments, Interpretation and Presentation of Experimental Results, Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Analyses of Data, Term Project.

CSC 503 Java
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours


Java applications, Java Applets, control structures, methods, arrays, strings and characters, object-oriented programming, graphics and Java 2D, basic graphical user interface components, exception handling, files and streams, and Java utilities.

CSC 504 Object Oriented Programming
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours


This course is designed to introduce object-oriented programming to students who have had a background in traditional, procedural programming. Topics include object-oriented programming techniques, encapsulation, constructors, destructors, overloading, single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, composition, templates, iterators, member function access, data hiding.

CSC 505 Algorithms and Data Structures
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 503
CSC 504
CSC 503, CSC 504, or equivalent

Review of object oriented principles, standard data structures, big-O notation, NP completeness, stacks, queues, generic data types, dynamic memory, recursion, linked lists, circular lists, doubly linked lists, trees, binary search trees, heaps, graphs, sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, object-oriented language implementation of data structures and algorithms.

CSC 510 Algorithm and Tools in Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 443

Best case, Worse case, and Expected Case Complexity analysis, Asymptotic Approximations, Solutions of Recurrence Equations, Probabilistic Techniques, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heap, Graph Algorithms, Divide-and-Conquer, Greedy Approach, Dynamic Programming, Branch and Bound, NP-Completeness, Parallel Algorithms.

CSC 515 Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Software Product, Software Process, System Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Software Design Principles, Architectural Design, Component-Based Design, User Interface Design, Software Testing, Software Metrics, Software Cost Estimation, Software Reliability, Software Reengineering, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Client-Server Software Engineering, Web Engineering, Formal Methods, Software Maintenance, Software Engineering Ethics, Term Project.

CSC 525 Software Design Techniques
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Large-scale Software Systems Design methods, Fundamental Design Concepts, Design Notations, Design Methods Comparison, Structure Design, State-Based Design, Object-Oriented Design, Engineering Principles of Software Design, Software Design Case Studies, Projects.

CSC 527 User Interface Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Principles of user design Interface, user interface development, user Interface programming, adaptive user interface, graphical user design, command language design, natural language interface design, user control systems, projects.

CSC 528 Database Systems
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 354

Database system architecture, the relational model, database design, transaction management, security, optimization, missing information, type inheritance, distributed database, decision support, temporal database, logic-based databases, object database, object relational database, projects.

CSC 530 Web Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Software engineering methods and technologies for highly interactive web–based applications, software engineering techniques in e-commerce, web site reliability, web site usability, web site security, web sites availability, web site scalability and maintainability, client-server techniques, component-based software development, middleware and reusable components.

CSC 531 Data Mining
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 354
CSC 354 or permission of instructor

Classification, prediction, regression, clustering, association, sequencing, characterization and comparison, decision trees, statistical methods, rule induction, memory-based reasoning, genetic algorithms, K-nearest neighbor method, mining relational databases, mining website data, mining text, mining multimedia, mining spatial databases.

CSC 532 Intelligent Systems Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Symbolic and sub-symbolic reasoning, imprecise and approximate reasoning, fuzzy logic, neural networks, engineering analysis of intelligent systems, intelligent systems design and implementation, basic intelligent systems principles, projects.

CSC 535 Systematic Software Systems Development
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 345/CSC 413 and CSC 443

Top-down software development methods, user-defined abstract operations, abstract data types, Vienna development method (VDM), specification techniques, practical applications of the methods, term project.

CSC 541 Advanced Compiler Construction
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 345/CSC 413, and CSC 443

Formal languages, grammars, finite-state machine, lexical analysis, parsing, parsing algorithms, error correction, syntax analysis, parse trees, symbol tables, code generation, code optimization. Projects will include developing a compiler for a simple language.

CSC 542 Advanced Computation Theory
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Recommended: CSC 441, and CSC 443

Finite automata, pushdown automata, turing machines, languages, grammars, un-decidability, complexity theory, intractability, recursive functions, recursive sets, computable functions, unsolvable problems, transducers, transition systems.

CSC 543 Software Systems Verification
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Software verification methods, software testing, software analysis, CASE tools, formal verification basis, testing and debugging of software systems, software systems projects.

CSC 544 Web Technology
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 441
CSC 413
CSC 443

Internetworking, HTTP, HTML, XML, VRML, JavaScript, Perl, UNIX Shells, VBScript, JScript, Java Applets, Common Gate Interface (CGI), Server Side Scripting, Web Servers, Web-Based Databases, Web Security, Electronic-Commerce.

CSC 546 Scientific Computing
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Recommended: CSC 445

Systems of equations, advanced matrix methods, finite elements, partial differential equations, Monte Carlo methods, numerical optimization methods, individual projects.

CSC 547 Software Configuration
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Configuration items and CM aggregates, versions and configurations, change requests, promotions and releases, repositories and workspaces, version identification, changes and change sets, configuration documentation, software configuration planning, software configuration tools, projects.

CSC 548 Artificial Intelligence
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 443

Intelligent agents, solving problems by searching, informed search methods, game playing, logical reasoning, first-order logic, knowledge bases, inference in first-order logic, learning from observations, learning in neural and belief networks, practical natural language processing, expert systems, intelligent tutoring systems, and case-based reasoning.

CSC 549 Graduate Seminar in Computer Science
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Students will work on projects related to their area of interests. The instructor will provide a list of topics to choose from. This course should be taken by graduate students in the final year of study.

CSC 550 Software Quality Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515
Developing requirements through delivery, maintenance, and process improvements, quality goals, planning and executing quality assurance activities, meeting quality and schedule goals, inspections, manual and automatic analysis techniques, design for testability, test planning and execution, process improvement, projects.


CSC 551 Parallel Systems
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 345
CSC 443

Parallel computers, message-passing computing, partitioning strategies, divide-and-conquer strategies, pipelined computations, synchronous computations, load balance, termination detection, programming with shared memory, sorting algorithms, numerical algorithms, image processing, searching and optimization.

CSC 552 Architectures for Software Systems
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Describing, evaluating, and creating systems at an architectural level of abstraction, architectural design of complex systems, software system structures, techniques for designing and implementing software system structures, models and formal notations for characterizing and reasoning about architectures, tools for generating specific instances of an architecture, case studies, and projects.

CSC 553 Component-Based Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Concepts, methods, techniques and tools for systematic reuse of software components, design and re-engineering for reuse, enhancing reuse, domain specific reuse and software architectures, reuse of requirements models, specifications and designs, tools for reuse, methods for component search, case studies and projects.

CSC 554 Software Configuration
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Configuration items and CM aggregates, versions and configurations, change requests, promotions and releases, repositories and workspaces, version identification, changes and change sets, configuration documentation, software configuration planning, software configuration tools, projects.

CSC 555 Software Requirements Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Tools and techniques for requirements elicitation, requirements specification, requirements analysis, system development and maintenance requirements, problems with specifying requirements, formal modeling of software requirements, prototyping in validating requirements, projects.

CSC 557 Software Systems Project Management
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Risk and uncertainty management, software project planning, project modeling, project scheduling, resource allocation, software cost management, budget monitoring, quality management, monitoring productivity, team building, communication management, web project management, project documentation, term project.

CSC 559 Advanced Computer Simulation
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

More advanced methodological issues involved in a simulation study, and the ability to conduct and understand simulation research are the objectives of this course. Techniques for increasing model validity and credibility, management’s role in the simulation process, statistical procedures for comparing real-world observations and simulation output data, selecting input probability distributions, random number generators, generating random variates, output data analysis for a single system, comparing alternative system configurations, variance-reduction techniques, and simulation of manufacturing systems are studied. Simulation programs will be written and studied.

CSC 560 Software Maintenance
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 525
CSC 525 or permission of instructor

Corrective, adaptive, and perfective maintenance activities, Taute maintenance model, IEEE maintenance process model, choosing a maintenance model, maintainability, code-oriented software maintainability measurement, testability of software, software reuse, reverse engineering, design for maintainability, projects.

CSC 561 Software Testing
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Quality management and testing, context of testing, structured testing, master test planning, lifecycles of high-level and low-level tests, development of test strategy, test point analysis and estimation, test specification techniques, checklists for quality characteristics, test control, metrics, test process improvement model, test tools, projects.

CSC 562 Software Safety
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Critical systems, safety specifications, security specification, fault minimization, fault-tolerant architectures, safe system design, formal methods and critical systems, reliability validation, safety assurance, security assessment, safety analysis techniques, fault trees, failure modes, effects analysis, projects.

CSC 564 Advanced Operating Systems
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 172 or CSC 345, and CSC 443

Distributed operating systems, communication protocols, synchronization of distributed systems, processes and processors, distributed file systems, distributed shared memory. Real time operating systems, file systems, process and multiprocessing, threads and multithreading, scheduling, synchronization, inter task communications.

CSC 565 Bioinformatics
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

MTH 427
CSC 345
CSC 413
MTH 427, CSC 345 or CSC413, or permission of instructor.

This course will introduce the algorithms needed to solve many Bioinformatics problems including Mapping DNA, Sequencing DNA, Comparing sequences, Predicting Genes, Finding Signals, Identifying Proteins, Repeat Analysis, DNA Arrays, Genome Rearrangements, and Molecular Evolution. A number of algorithms will be introduced including Exhaustive Search, Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming Algorithms, Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Clustering and Trees, Hidden Markov Models, and Randomized Algorithms.

CSC 567 Distributed Processing
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours


CSC 172 or CSC 345, and CSC 443

Models and concepts in distributed systems, communications and remote procedure calls, course team project, logical clocks, clock synchronization, high availability, replications and reliable distributed computing, transactions, nested transactions, end-to-end arguments, distributed file systems, security, CORBA, distributed mutual exclusion, real-time systems, rate-monotonic analysis, synchronization and distributed real-time systems.

CSC 569 Secure Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Not for CSC students (see CSC 570 instead). Software security risks, buffer overflows, race conditions, random number generation, identifying toreats and vulnerabilities, eliminating security vulnerabilities, formal techniques, avoiding security holes, building secure software, mobile software security, electronic commerce security, techniques and algorithms for high speed cryptography, DNS security, access control models, firewalls, embedded software security, distributed systems security, authentication in distributed environment, viruses, and TCP/IP security.

CSC 570 Applied Cryptology and Network Security
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Block Ciphers and Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard, Other Symmetric Ciphers, Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption, Public-Key Cryptography And RSA, Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems, Message Authentication And Hash Functions, Hash And MAC Algorithms, Digital Signatures And Authentication Protocols, Authentication Applications, Electronic Mail Security, IP Security, Web Security, Intruders, Malicious Software, Firewalls, Projects.

CSC 571 Software Engineering Metrics
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Software quality metrics, measurement theory and metrics, management metrics, indirect and direct metrics, software cost and schedule estimates, model calibration, software productivity measurements, metrics techniques such as goal-question-metric approach, COCOMO, and function point analysis, projects.

CSC 572 Formal Methods in Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Formal specification in the software development process, transformational development, structured algebraic specification, model-based specification, languages for software system specification, modeling and abstraction of software systems, analysis and verification of system properties, software system refinement, formal semantics, object-oriented formal methods.

CSC 573 Graduate Seminar in Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

This course is designed for students seeking a professional focus to their degree. The student will work independently or within a group under the supervision of a designated faculty member on a project of practical importance in Software Engineering. The students should submit final report and give a final defense of the project (if required).

CSC 574 Intrusion Detection Systems
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 569

Network monitoring and analysis, estimating the number and severity of attacks, network-based attacks such as probes and denial of service attacks, host-based attacks such as buffer overflows and race conditions, malicious code such as viruses and worms, intrusion detection and classification methods including artificial immune system, control-loop measurement, data mining, and statistical signature-based methods, techniques for the visualization of network data, projects.

CSC 575 Bioinformatics Algorithms
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

MTH 427
CSC 345 or
CSC 413
or permission of instructor

Introduction to molecular biology, algorithms and complexity, mapping DNA, sequencing DNA, comparing sequences, predicting genes, finding signals, identifying proteins, repeat analysis, DNA micro-arrays, genome rearrangements, and molecular evolution. A number of algorithms will be introduced including exhaustive search, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, divide-and-conquer algorithms, graph algorithms, combinatorial pattern matching, clustering and trees, hidden Markov models, and randomized algorithms, projects.

CSC 580 Real-Time Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

CSC 515

Dependable software, requirements analysis and specification, software and program design concepts, operating systems for real-time applications, designing and developing real-time software, diagramming methods, designing and constructing software, analyzing and testing source code, development tools, mission-critical and safety-critical systems, and performance engineering.

CSC 585 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Permission of Chair

Advanced topics of current Software Engineering interest, not occurring in the regular course sequence, are covered. Course may be repeated for additional credits when topic is different.

CSC 590 Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Permission of Chair

Advanced topics of current interest are covered. Course may be repeated for additional credit.

CSC 593 Graduate Design Project
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours


This course should be taken in the student's final year of study.

This is a team-oriented project course in which teams define a software system problem, and establish the requirements. Students will then analyze, design, test, implement, and document the proposed software system. Projects can also be solicited from industry, government, health, and education. Whenever possible, teams will be interdisciplinary. Students should take this course in their final term of study.

CSC 595 Software Engineering Thesis
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Students will work on a thesis related to their area of interests under the supervision of a faculty member. Graduate students may take this course in the final year of study. Students taking the Software Engineering thesis option are not allowed to take CSC 593.

CSC 599 Computer Science Thesis
Credit HoursRecitation/Lecture HoursStudio HoursClinical HoursLab Hours

Students will work on thesis related to their area of interests under the supervision of a faculty member. Graduate students may take this course in the final year of study. Students taking the thesis option are not allowed to take CSC 593.

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